IQAC - Internal Quality Assurance Cell

IQAC - Internal Quality Assurance Cell

The IQAC is the central quality- monitoring body of the institution and functions as the nodal agency for quality-related activities. Its aim is to develop and maintain a system to promote academic and administrative excellence. It defines the objectives of the institution, creates a benchmark for quality-enhancement measures, devises a work plan to achieve them and coordinates the execution.

Quality enhancement is a continuous process. IQAC is a part of the institution's system & works towards realization of the goals of quality enhancement & sustenance. The prime task of the IQAC is to develop a system for conscious, consistent & catalytic improvement in the overall performance of institutions. It channelizes all efforts & measures of the institution towards promoting its holistic academic excellence.


  • Development and application of quality benchmarks for the various academic and administrative activities of the institution.
  • Dissemination of information on the various quality parameters of higher education.
  • Organization of workshops, seminars on quality related themes and promotion of quality circles.
  • Documentation of the various forums / activities leading to quality improvement.
  • Development and sustenance of Quality Culture in the institution.

IQAC will facilitate

  • Ensure heightened level of clarity and focus in institutional functioning towards quality enhancement.
  • Ensure internalization of the quality culture.
  • Ensure enhancement and coordination among various activities of the institution and institutionalize all good practices.
  • Provide a sound basis for decision-making to improve institutional functioning.
  • Act as a dynamic system for quality changes in HEIs.
  • Build an organized methodology of documentation and internal communication.
Chairperson Prof. Jayanthi G
Staff Relationship Manager Asst. Prof. Zohra Afreen
IQAC Coordinator Asst. Prof. Amreen Banu
Member Coordinators Assoc. Nagraj Kini
Asst. Prof. Varsha
Asst. Prof. Swathi KS
Asst. Prof. Subhash G

Time Table Committee

Time Table committee is one of the most active committees at the college. It is the responsibility of the members of the forum to prepare class wise and faculty wise Time table and to ensure smooth functioning of classes.


  • To plan the classes effectively for smooth conduction of classes throughout the semester.
  • To prepare class wise and faculty wise time table and distribute it before commencement of the semester to enable them to prepare for the classes.

Roles and Responsibilities

  • Ensure the smooth functioning of class work.
  • Extract department, faculty-wise and subject-wise time table.
  • Ensure portions are completed within 90 working days.
  • Ensure that no classes have been let-off at the personal level.
Time Table Committee Members
Asst. Prof. Varsha
Asst. Prof. Swathi KR
Asst. Prof. Shaheena Begum
Time Table

Examination Forum

Examination Forum conducts regular internal assessments for the students. It also ensures the smooth functioning of the university examinations. The forum maintains academic record of the tests conducted for the students and constantly communicates their performance to their parents.


  • To ensure smooth conduction of two internal exams and one external exam per semester.
  • To conduct meetings to communicate information to the faculty members about the examinations and upload the same to I pomp and website to ensure transparency.

Roles and Responsibilities

  • Arrange for internal assessment, preparations like allotment of question paper preparations, duty allotments to the faculty.
  • To nominate an internal Board of Examiners every semester to ensure, supervise the question papers set by the faculty members to maintain the quality standards of the question papers.
  • Liaise with University with regard to IA and examination related activities.
  • Ensure smooth conduct of University and College Examinations.
  • Ensure the publication of IA marks after scrutiny.
  • Ensure submission of final IA marks list to Bengaluru Central University on time.
Time Table Committee Members
Asst. Prof. Varsha
Asst. Prof. Swathi KR
Asst. Prof. Shaheena Begum