IQAC - Internal Quality Assurance Cell

IQAC- Internal Quality Assurance Cell

The IQAC is the central quality- monitoring body of the institution and functions as the nodal agency for quality-related activities. Its aim is to develop and maintain a system to promote academic and administrative excellence. It defines the objectives of the institution, creates a benchmark for quality-enhancement measures, devises a work plan to achieve them and coordinates the execution.

Quality enhancement is a continuous process. IQAC is a part of the institution's system & works towards realization of the goals of quality enhancement & sustenance. The prime task of the IQAC is to develop a system for conscious, consistent & catalytic improvement in the overall performance of institutions. It channelizes all efforts & measures of the institution towards promoting its holistic academic excellence.


  • Development and application of quality benchmarks for the various academic and administrative activities of the institution.
  • Dissemination of information on the various quality parameters of higher education. towards quality enhancement.
  • Organization of workshops, seminars on quality related themes and promotion of quality circles.
  • Documentation of the various forums / activities leading to quality improvement.
  • Development and sustenance of Quality Culture in the institution.

IQAC will facilitate

  • Ensure heightened level of clarity and focus in institutional functioning towards quality enhancement.
  • Ensure internalization of the quality culture.
  • Ensure enhancement and coordination among various activities of the institution and institutionalize all good practices.
  • Provide a sound basis for decision-making to improve institutional functioning.
  • Act as a dynamic system for quality changes in HEIs.
  • Build an organized methodology of documentation and internal communication.
Chairperson Prof. Jayanthi G
Staff Relationship Manager Asst. Prof. Zohra Afreen
IQAC Coordinator Asst. Prof. Amreen Banu
Member Coordinators Assoc. Nagraj Kini
Asst. Prof. Varsha
Asst. Prof. Swathi KS
Asst. Prof. Subhash G